- Vacation time
- Holidays
- System Down Time
- Interruptions
- Production Support
- Emergency work
- Sick
- Co-worker on vacation
- Bugs
- Time testing
- Time documenting
- Time training
- Time hiring
- Training classes
- Hard to solve problems
- QA cycle
- Meetings
- Emails
- Co-workers needing help
- Experience of person doing the work
- Support for person doing work
When it comes down to it a lot can go wrong. So the first this is to make sure you don't leave out tasks on your plan. Also it helps to have a history of how long things take to better estimate how long new tasks will take.
In addition, if you miss deadlines you'll get a poor review and can even get fired.
Estimating is important.
Some of the things that Time-Creator can do for you is:
- Easily track your time so you can know how long similar products have taken in the past
- Track how accurate your estimating is
- Know percentage of time is spent dealing with non-work type issues
- Help you manage scope creep so that more functions aren't added while keeping the same deadline
Take a look at how Time-Creator can help you.