Sunday, December 9, 2012

Easy 80/20 Decluttering

For those of you who don't know about the 80-20 rule, simply states that you wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time for example or 20% of your tasks comprise 80% of your time, 20% of your customers get you 80% of your profits. You get the picture. There's a small, useful amount that gives you mostly what you want.

So how do you decide what's the 20% and what's the 80%. A simple method to get you to 25-75, is to take what you have whether tasks, goals, product, books to write, etc. and get rid of 50%. Then do this one more time and you've hit the 25% value.

Some ways to do this is if you have lots of books on a book shelf, then take two shelves and combine them to one. Get rid of or sell the books you want to dump. Then do it one more time.

One way to get rid of 1/2 is to go through a shelf on your book case. Make two piles, books you'll keep and books you'll get rid of. Keep the piles equal in height and you've gotten rid of 50% of your clutter.

You can do this with files in your draws or filing cabinets, junk collected in your garage, tasks or goals you're trying to achieve.

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